You can use the free online family tree tools or download a piece of family tree software for the same. Online tools allow you to share your family tree with others or add contributors to your family tree. The downloadable software is also a bit tricky to use, especially for beginners. In this post, we will learn about some good Family Tree maker freeware and online tools.

Family Tree maker free software & online tools

Here is a list of some tools that you can use to manage your family tree.

WeRelate.orgAncestry.comRootsMagic Essentials freewareFamily Tree Builder freeware

Ensure you try each of them to find out what works best for you.


WeRelate is one of the best-known websites to make the family tree online. It has a simple interface and is best suitable for beginners. You need to upload your GEDCOM file with all your entries, and the website integrates the information into a family tree. There are different tabs here like Overview, People, Families, Warnings, Places, Sources, Family Matches, Updates, and Imports. The ‘People’ tab shows the list of all people added to your list, and the ‘Families’ tab shows the list of husbands and wives with their marriage date and links to the possible matching pages on WeRelate genealogy. However, users are allowed to exclude the wrongly matched pages. The ‘Warning’ tabs warn you if there are any errors in your data input. Users have to resolve the warnings to continue with the data upload. ‘Places’ tabs show the countries and cities in my data. However, it is not necessary to add the places. It is an optional feature. The website also notes if there is a matched place in the database. Sources is again an optional feature that shows the information sources added in your GEDCOM file. Family Matches is an essential tab as it helps you trace your family tree in the system. The system will link you to the matched family pages with matching information and details according to your data. Users can, however, look and decide if the match is actually from their family tree or not. It checks for duplicate people and merges the entries. Please note that all the information you enter here is public, and hackers can any time hack your account and change your family tree information; however, you can revert the changes at any time.


This is a sharing website that provides you a forum to upload your family details and information. Being a non-collaborative website, keeps your data safe and private. People seeing your family tree will get read-only access, and no one can edit your data until. It allows you to make your family tree private or public. The private family trees may appear in the search results, but the family details are not accessible to anyone. On the other hand, general family trees may provide unauthorized access to hackers. As you enter your details, the Ancestry system starts looking for possible family matches. The website adds leaves to your family tree as a hint of potential matching discovery. The system claims to have billions of records and millions of family histories, so who know you might get a childhood picture of your grandma or great-grandma here. Users have to enter all they know, and the website will help them fining their family matches further. Unlike WeRelate, this website has no feature of detecting duplicate people or merging identical profiles. The website allows users to make changes in the tree or delete it if required.

3] RootsMagic Essentials freeware

RootsMagic is a downloadable software that is easy to learn and use. It comes with a simple and user-friendly interface and has an unlimited capacity for holding the data. You can enter whatever you know about your family and ancestors. Unlike most common family tree-making tools, RootsMagic Essentials has a feature of tracking multiple relationships like foster parents, adoptions, and more. The explorer of this Windows freeware lets you find your family members in the system. You can add images as well as videos to make your family tree livelier. It has a vast database and comes with customizable listing options and web hints from genealogy sites. Some of the powerful features of RootsMagic Essentials include merge techniques, Soundex calculators, and potential problems lists. It is highly compatible and can import your family tree details directly from various popular genealogy sites. It is a free genealogy program associated with the award-winning RootsMagic family tree software. It is the easiest way to trace your family tree online. RootsMagic Essentials is freeware, and you can download it from here.

4] Family Tree Builder freeware

It is a genealogy freeware for Windows by the MyHeritage family tree-making website. This is an easy tool for beginners to create a family tree and map out their ancestors. This freeware comes with innovative match technology and record matching technology which automatically discovers historical records of your ancestors and helps users trace their family members. This tool uses a set wizard to add your family members and their details and finally comes up with a nice-looking 3D family tree. The detailed privacy features let users control every aspect of security and privacy. It helps you create, customize and print beautiful charts and reports, even all-in-one charts. You can always export your data from here. There is also a paid version of Family Tree Builder, including additional features like advanced searches and map support. You can download this tool from here and start creating your family tree.

What is the best offline family tree software?

Like everything else, there are many family tree applications, and there is no one best software. Instead, the best way to find out what works best for you to is to give it a try, experiment with sample data, and see if you like the results. Do you use any? Any observations?