Microsoft is very serious with its security infrastructure and thus introduced the Council for Digital Good Program. The program invites youth aged 13 to 17 years to the Microsoft campus in Redmond for 2 days which would involve talking, discussing and other activities.

The purpose of the event is to understand what all teenagers do on the internet and what all could affect their security. Microsoft recognizes that the youth of today is tech-savvy and resourceful unlike those of the previous generation. With tablets and smartphones in possession of almost every 13-year-old plus in the US, access to the internet remains at the tip of the finger throughout the day. This is quite different from the situation a decade ago when teenagers had limited access to technology, that too usually through monitored computers. While social media reduced the age limit for joining from 18 to 13, little was done to censor the content the allow being shared. But the real threat lies in the interaction of teenagers with unknown adults.

Microsoft’s Council for Digital Good Program

Microsoft plans to select 12 to 15 candidates (called council members) for the event after reviewing the applications. The council members would be called along with their parents or guardians for the session. They would be questioned about the time they spend on the internet in a day, what role internet plays for them what all they do on the internet. Microsoft has promised to keep the session fun so they could feel comfortable revealing the facts. What all does the program include The council members would have to sign up for Microsoft’s 1 year or 18 year program other than the 2 days spent at the campus. Microsoft would pay for the travel for the council member and a parent or guardian. It has been mentioned that council members would get an opportunity for college or other recommendations by Microsoft, which means a lot for those interested in a career in technology. The council members might also be eligible for an internship with Microsoft after the program. If not, an attempt could be made with the many third party vendors with Microsoft.