Open Microsoft Edge browser from Internet Explorer

If you are browsing the web using Internet Explorer (now don’t say who uses IE :D ) and need to quickly open the Microsoft Edge browser, all you need to do is click on the Edge icon next to the open New tab button. Do this and Microsoft Edge browser will pop up. This button will be useful if you find that you need to open the current web page in a modern web browser like Microsoft Edge. But you have to note that when Edge pops up, it will not open the URL you were browsing in Internet Explorer. It will open a blank page. I guess this is another way, Microsoft is trying to move IE users from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge browser. Well you know, it could happen that you click on this Open Microsoft Edge button, by mistake, instead of the open New tab button, seeing that they are situated so close to each other – and before you know it, you will find yourself browsing the web on Edge. If it gets in your way, you can also hide this button that opens Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer. Do you like this small feature? Or do you think it gets in the way?